4 Things Your Agent Should Be Asking You When Selling Your Home

When you’re looking for the right real estate agent to sell your home, you shouldn’t be the only one asking questions. If your agent is truly trying to maximize your situation so that the outcome is the best for you, here are four questions they should be asking.
- What do you love the most about your house?
As agents, we see potential in a home and we have our opinion on why perspective buyers would love to live there. Until we ask you, the current owner, we cannot see the whole picture. When you live in the home, you experience the house in total, the good and the not so good. It’s helpful to know what you would take with you or replicate in your new place. When advertising, it helps, to point out what you loved so much about being there.
- Why are you moving?
This is important to know to help assess what you’re looking for in your new home. If you’re downsizing, looking for a shorter commute to work, different community amenities or need more privacy, these are all important factors when searching for your next home. This information helps to put all our resources to work to find you exactly what you are looking for.
- Do you know how much it will cost to sell your house?
First time sellers don’t always understand that you can’t just subtract the selling price from what you owe on your mortgage and walk away with the difference. An example would be, my house is worth $200,000 and I owe $100,000 so I am going to profit $100,000. There are always expenses involved when selling your home. If you’d like to learn more about those expenses, read our recent article – Knowledge is Power: How Much Does It Cost to Sell Your Home?
- What is your timing?
You can maximize your selling experience by listing your house at the right time of the year. Depending on why you are moving, we may be able to plan more accordingly to fit within your timeline while optimizing your selling potential. It’s always better to start early so you can prepare your home properly or to see if you need to make adjustments to your credit and have time to do so.
If you’re ready to sell you current home, feel free to reach out to us at 301.644.1056 to see how we can help. You can also visit our blog page to get more insights about the HodosGroup.
Posted in Sellers
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