Chambersburg is a borough in the South Central region of Pennsylvania and its proximity to the Mason-Dixon line in Maryland is about 13 miles. Chambersburg lies approximately midpoint on US Route 30 between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.
The early inhabitants of Chambersburg were Native Americans during the 18th century including the Iroquois, Lenape, and Shawnee. The first settlement by a Scots-Irish immigrant in 1730 started a grist mill and sawmill by a waterfall known as Falling Spring Creek which joined the Conococheague Creek. The creek provided power to the mills and the settlement became known as “Falling Spring”. During the French and Indian War, Chambersburg was on the frontier. A private stone fort was built by Benjamin Chambers which housed pounder cannons to defend the fort from being captured by Indians. One of the cannons was used to celebrate Independence Day in 1840. The town of Chambersburg was first laid out in 1764 and lots were advertised for sale in Benjamin Franklin’s Pennsylvania Gazette. President George Washington while leading troops against rebels, came through the town of Chambersburg staying overnight on October 12, 1794. During the Civil War, the entire town of Chambersburg was burned in 1864. The town of Chambersburg was rebuilt with a combination of state and private funding. It took more than 30 years to restore the town’s housing to pre-Civil War standards.
Franklin County Visitors Bureau
37 South Main Street
Chambersburg, PA 17201
The Chambersburg Area School District is a public school district located in Franklin County, PA, and encompasses the borough of Chambersburg, plus the townships of Hamilton, Greene, Lurgan, and Letterkenny, and a portion of Guilford Township.
Chambersburg Area School District
435 Stanley Ave.
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Chambersburg Rec Dept
235 South 3rd Street
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Chambersburg Area Parks and Facilities
The Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce hosts many events throughout the year with a varied selection to offer residents options that may be of interest to them as well as annual downtown festivals and special events.
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